10 Questions That You Should Ask Your Partner to Get to Know Them Better!


When a person is in a relationship, they try to find out more and more about their partners. If you have a boyfriend or a husband, you might have also gone through a phase when you wanted to know everything about him. As time passes, people become accustomed to each other and start knowing each other well. The couples who know each other well are usually the happiest. This way they can take care of each other in a much better way. You might wonder how much your partner knows you or how well do you know your partner? Take this how well do you know me quiz and find out for sure. These 10 basic questions are a fun way to find out how well do you know your spouse and vice versa.

1. What is the childhood nickname of your partner?

Their childhood nickname can be the name their parents have been calling them ever since they were a child or it can be a name their friends gave them in school. You will know best since they are your partner.

2. Do you always find the right present for your partner?

You can answer is "yes”, "no” or "do not know” whether they like your presents. This is a great way to know whether or not your partner likes what you give them and it is also the best way to tell them if you do not like the presents they get you.

3. What is one thing that they would save in a fire apart from you? (The most important thing to them)

We know that you are the most important person for your partner. However, this question is about the material thing. It could be their car, or a dress, or a piece of jewelry or perfume or anything that your partner treasures the most apart from you.

4. What is your most annoying habit for your partner?

Nobody is perfect and hence your partner might also have a habit that annoys you the most. However, do you know which habit of yours they find the most annoying? This is a great way to know what you are doing wrong that is annoying them.

5. Does your partner want children? If yes, then how many?

This is a question that every couple needs to ask before they get married. Having children is an important thing in the lives of most people. However, some people do not want kids. It can cause problems in your marriage.

6. What is their favorite food?

Since you have spent some time together, you might have surely gone out on dates. You must know what foods are their favorites. Ask your partner whether or not they know what food you like the most. It will be interesting.

7. What were the words when he or you proposed?

Proposals are really special. It could be a proposal to get married or go out on a date or anything else depending on what kind of a relationship you are in. So, do you remember what were the special words that your partner said to you when they proposed?

8. Would your partner want their parents to live with them when they are old?

Most of the time, parents do not come in the conversation. However, do you know whether or not your partner would want their parents to live with them when they get old? This is an important question to ask if your partner is a single child.

9. What are the top three places your partner wants to visit and have not?

If your partner is interested in traveling or food or anything, there will surely be places that they want to visit alone or with you. Have they told you what are those places? Ask your partner and know whether they know the places you want to visit?

10. What do they love about their work and what do they hate?

Everyone loves something about their jobs that make them stick to it. Do you know what part of their jobs does your partner love and which part of it do they hate? Find out if they know about your job.

These are some questions you can ask your partner and see how well do you know your spouse or how well they know you. It is important to remember that these are pretty basic questions and are just for fun. This "how well do you know me” quiz does not determine the intensity of your relationship. You should take these "how well do you know me” quiz questions as a way to know your partner better if you have just gotten into a relationship. The more you know your partner, the better your relationship can be. So have fun with the quiz! Let's play a game:

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